Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beauty Dish Build

So,  Tim found some directions online on how to build a low cost beauty dish using materials that can be found close to home.  We liked this idea and decided it was time to get the guys together and make it happen.

First off,  thanks to Tim for finding the instructions and secondly,  thanks to Todd Owyoung of iShootShows for taking the time to make the instructions in the first place.

Link to directions can be found here: http://www.ishootshows.com/2010/02/09/music-photographers-diy-beauty-dish/

We found all the parts we needed at a local restaurant supply store, all the nuts, bolts, paint, etc. came from the blue home store.   

It didn't take too long and unfortunately not nearly enough beer was consumed but we had the dishes built and assembled. 

More after the jump

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sneak Preview of new nephew

Well,  I did it again.  This time a little better than the last, I think.  So I'd like to introduce you to my new nephew Ryan.  He's a really good lookin' boy and very sweet, I'm a little biased I know, but, I think you'll agree.   

This was only my second infant shoot and contrary to you might think, it's not as easy as really good photographers make it look.  We shot over a couple of days and ended up with 375 pictures and when pared down, I settled on 47 as finals. I'm much happier with the outcome this time around, even though I scored some winners with my first attempt, I was much more prepared this time.  I also had a lot of input from another photographer friend that REALLY helped out.  Thank you Allette for loaning me props and giving me some much needed baby "how-to" advise.

So without further adieu, may I introduce to you, baby Ryan!   Congrats to my sis and brother-n-law.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend with family

We love it when family comes to visit and this weekend Jacob and Audrey came to see us.  I always look forward to the kids coming as it gives me the opportunity to grab some new pictures of them, plus as a bonus,  we generally have a big breakfast each morning during the weekend!  
Saturday afternoon we made it down to the botanical gardens, my new favorite shooting location, for about an hour to grab some official pics.  Here are a few from the weekend.

Waiting for breakfast time and playing with her iTouch
Jacob enjoying a "pre" breakfast smoothie

Friday, January 13, 2012

Quick shoot at the Capitol

They guys wanted to get together for some photographic practicionation (i just made that up).  We ended up at the Capitol and though I was not particularly "feeling it" I found an angle and wanted to try some strob shots and here are the results.  The color version looks so-so but I feel it says more in black and white...what do you think?

Strobist info:  three speedlights (sb800, sb600, sb28)

1. Key camera left on a stand and snooted at 1/8 power
2. Fill on a VAL at camera right and in close at 1/32 power
3. Rim light on stand high behind subject at full power
Converted to BW in cs5 and silver efex

Thursday, January 5, 2012

San Francisco

San Francisco has long been one of my favorite places to travel to.  I had a little extra time on my last event to make it over to a new location to shoot the Golden Gate.  I tried to make it by sunset and was lucky enough to have a cab driver know exactly where I wanted to go.  He even drove me around to a few more spots that I didn't know existed that I will be visiting next time around.  I was hoping for a few clouds to help make the scene more interesting, but as luck would have it, it was clear as a bell.  Anyway,  all in all I am very happy with how the image turned out with help from Nik Silver Efex and Moab Slick Rock pearl paper. 

P.S.  Prints available by request and price varies based on paper and size. Just send me a note.